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"St. Joseph, help me to be like you. Help me to be obedient to the teachings of the Church and faithful to God's commands. Help me to patiently endure my cross each day. Let me be a model of holiness and a pillar of virtue. I solemnly promise to embrace God's will and I accept the challenge to work tirelessly for my family's salvation. Be my guide and companion on this journey. St. Joseph, Terror of demons, pray for us."


All of us need help from time to time. Life's problems often come at us hard and unexpectedly. Sometimes we don't know where to turn. However, God is always there for you and wants to hear from you. Talk to him. He is listening.

To enter your prayer request, please click the button below, and fill out the form. We will include you in our prayers.

If you feel like you may need additional help or advice we strongly encourage you to seek the counsel of your parish priest. If you are unsure of your priest or parish please click here. Always remember that no problem is too big or too small in God's eyes.



Hi i need prayer against unforgiveness and for me to receive the Holy Spirit fully into my life. Ive been feeling depressed and lost. To jesus restore my relationship with my sister bruna, asking for her forgiveness and break her silence towards me amen. She just wont talk to me. Please let the Lord open up her lips and talk to me so i can have peace. I need the Lord to break her silence. Everyone desrves a second chance or whats the point of forgiveness? Shes making of my life like Hell. She called me names and threw her car at me. Shes just angry and thats exactly what the devil wants. Cause he knows shes my only family and wants me to live on my own all my life with no sister and no one. I just cant sleep have no peace in reason of her silence. i dont understand. I feel pain in my heart all the time missing her. I want to see her talking to me so we can work it out as adults. The whole church and the pastors want me to leave the church so it will cover up the sin we both commited together. Even tonight the pastor humiliated me in front of the whole church saying if someones sitting by the stairs or leave the church or getinside. But when others do it they dont say anything. Theyre just picking on me, hate me worried about the churchs image reputation while they stick up for her and bless her. They dont even get the anointing oil in my head but to others they do it. Theyre not acting like 1conrinthians13 at all. They are horible people. They make me feel angry when they wont allow me talking to her and treat me badly on purpose to make me look for another church so at the end of each worship i dont feel iv received anything good from god cause they treat me bad and treat bruna like an angel. I feel something really bad when i get home like if theyr cu rsing me. And im worried they made brunas mind to report me to the police. She said she did it but i dont know. Help me pray she didnt do that please. Helpp please.All i do is cry why theyr doing this to me. Pray to god to protect her and release her form a man whos getting her out of the rhuch and the presence of the holy spirit a boyfriend please. Shes hit her car because shes commit a sin inside her can with this man. Jesus already told her that but she wont listen. The devil is just anxious to kill her in that car. And help me pray for bruna to have real friends in her life, after her "best friend" the music minister found out about her sin shes got cold and turned her back on brunas, so lets pray shell have real blessed friendships cause not even jesus did that to her why a human think she should be acting like this towards bruna. And tonight her step dad threatened me showing his gun. He is crazy his sister is a witch.Please do not pray for me mostly some people are writeing to me saying theyre focusing their prayer on me. Pray for Bruna more please. She needs it more. Its her the one who wont forgive and doing horible things against me.amem.bless u all..



please pray urgently with me for deliverance from evil and atteched spirits sent to me and my family from jealous people may our lord jesus remove this from us and protect us from all harm thank you



God our Father, Creator and Ruler of the universe, in every age you call us to use and develop our gifts for the good of others. With St. Joseph as our guide, help us to do the work you have asked and come to the rewards you have promised. St. Joseph you are the patron of workers. We need you to open the door for each one of us to get good jobs and keep them. Jesus alone knows the pain, mistakes, shame job situations have caused us. Please ask Jesus to turn our sorrow into joy, our tears into dancing and our shame into his glory. He alone will receive all the praise honor and glory. Only Jesus can do what is needed to be done, is anything too hard for the Lord? Please grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Smitty Thorne


Prayers needed for Terry Collette of Corpus Christi parish in Mobile, AL. He has been admitted to the hospital and so far has received three pints of blood. Prayers for his healing and his families peace of mind would be greatly appreciated.

Theresa M


Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, I thank You for your merciful grace regarding my relationships, particularly with that of my supervisor. I thank You for Your humility and willingness to forgive. I thank You for Your deliverance regarding the many grievances and resentments that were contaminating my soul. So, True Lord, Jesus, if it be Your will, would You again show your merciful grace in attaining for the new job that I desire, a job of helping other victims of trauma and abuse. Please forgive me from turning away from the calling/purpose that You have placed in my heart out of my own woundings, fears, and selfishness. Help me to be worthy to be Your instrument of healing to others. Would You also show favor regarding salary, health, scheduling of all the duties of my state in life. You are my only True Lord and I earnestly beg You in love You with such intensity that I forget myself and Love only You. In Your mercy, re-direct my attention away from myself and my own anxieties, this world, and seek Only You, to be entirely consumed by You alone in the Sacred Silence of Your Sacred Heart. Help me to honor, worship, thank You in experiencing the true security of living, resting in Your Sacred Heart, my fortress. I love You and may Your Merciful Love overwhelm my soul with humble tears of gratitude. My Rock, keep me completely invisible to my enemies, cruel people and may I see and been seen locked in the Divine Intimacy of Your Merciful Gaze of love. Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, saints-my friend and sister St. Therese, holy angels, thank you for praying, ministering, and protecting this little wretched soul. May I and all associated delight in our littleness so that we may more abundantly delight in endulgences of His Merciful Love, in True Lord, Jesus name, AMEN.

Very sad and scared person


Please pray that the woman I live with who is constantly criticizing and complaining about everyone and everything in the house will stop her bad behavior and realize how nasty she sounds. Please also pray for peace of mind for me and for me to find the means to peacefully and safely find a new home that I can afford. Thank you kindly.

Theresa M


Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, I want to thank you for the glimpses of hope and joy that you have gifted to me in Your gentle, merciful love. These moments with You are everything that keeps me hoping and loving. I prostrate humbly at Your feel in overwhelming gratitude for these glimpses. I also want to thank you for the deliverance prayer that You guided me in finding and the healing and tears that flowed from my heart into Yours. I realize now that the many perils that I have ensnared myself into are as a result of past traumas and false guilt that i tend to internalize in trying to inappropriately help or protect others at the cost of my health, well-being, and other's journey to You. Help me not to sin in this area, that is, sins against myself. Help me to be strong and not curl under the flood of false shame and guilt. Deliver me from the core lies and memories and immerse my little wounds into Your perfect wounds on Your beautiful cross. When I falter and suspend myself from moving forward on the journey and path that You have for me for fear of upsetting/hurting others, give me courage, strength, and peace. Lock Your gave of Divine Intimate and unconditional love into my heart's gaze and consume me into You. Your deliverance, not mine, True Lord. Your green pastures, not my own ideas of what's best for me. I love You with all that is within me and I want You to be truly Lord of my life, help me to Love You, help me to drink of Your love in loving myself too. Protect me in every area of my life. Close the doors that need to be closed, open the doors that need to be open and help me to wait in joyful expectation of your promises that no harm will come to me for You are my refuge, I wait for You all night. Help me to praise You in every breath of my being until I return safely home into You and while on this little earth, keep me completely invisible to my enemies and from the snares that other people have laid down to hurt me and my trust in You. Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, holy angels, and saints, my friend and sister St. Therese, pray for me, in True Lord Jesus name, AMEN.

Matt Rock


My son Sam has broken up with his girlfriend and is contemplating the worst. Please pray with me that he may realize that the are others who love him and that Jesus and Joseph will look after him. Thank you

In Christ,

Matt Rock



Please pray for my son to get the help he needs for his addiction. Please pray for God to heal his body, mind, soul, and spirit.

Leo Sourisseau


Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus -

I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.
Dear Men of St. Joseph, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people - which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world!
Thank You!
God bless you!
Leo Sourisseau
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Also, please do as follows below, as I believe that doing so will help to make your prayers of the rosary even more powerful than they already are:

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download the Worldwide Rosary Prayer app, for free, at the iTunes store (for iphones) or at the Google Play store (for android phones).

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