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"St. Joseph, help me to be like you. Help me to be obedient to the teachings of the Church and faithful to God's commands. Help me to patiently endure my cross each day. Let me be a model of holiness and a pillar of virtue. I solemnly promise to embrace God's will and I accept the challenge to work tirelessly for my family's salvation. Be my guide and companion on this journey. St. Joseph, Terror of demons, pray for us."


All of us need help from time to time. Life's problems often come at us hard and unexpectedly. Sometimes we don't know where to turn. However, God is always there for you and wants to hear from you. Talk to him. He is listening.

To enter your prayer request, please click the button below, and fill out the form. We will include you in our prayers.

If you feel like you may need additional help or advice we strongly encourage you to seek the counsel of your parish priest. If you are unsure of your priest or parish please click here. Always remember that no problem is too big or too small in God's eyes.



Pray for my marriage and family.A.Fand family can lose weight,exercise and eat healthy.Pray for A.F can find a good job,be useful,needed person.



father, please help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner though God knows, I come with a broken heart, I need You. please forgive me and damianus aditya too. Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation and restore relations for me and him. Please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart but Lord you can. I always try to be strong, but to be honest I was deeply hurt. please bless those who hate me, I never want to hurt them or avenge their treatment, I just want them to know I was still there, I'm alive, and I'm still waiting for a miracle. I'm still waiting for the doors of their hearts open to me. please touched me, treat wounds within me, help me to move as you wish, to delete all trauma. I’m putting the disappointments, pain and my whole hope in Your hands, please make this miracle happen for me



Pray to Our Lady Of Guadalupe for an end to abortion

Our Lady of Guadalupe with Your unborn Child; Jesus...
You appeared to Juan Diego and said:
"Here I shall listen to their weeping and their sorrows."
"I shall take them all to my heart, and I shall cure their many
sufferings, afflictions, and sorrows."

We consecrate all abortion mills, pharmaceutical companies, elected and appointed officials in the Americas and around the world, and the United Nations to You…take them all to Your Heart.

Our Lady of Guadalupe touch the hearts of all women contemplating an abortion who feel alone, confused and don't know where to turn...take them to Your Heart.

​For all unborn children...take them to Your Heart.
For those pressured by others...take them to Your Heart.
For those who believe they do not have a choice...take them to Your Heart.
For those who have had an abortion and looking for peace...take them to Your Heart.
For the fathers of the person in the womb...take them to Your Heart.
For those who perform abortions...take them to Your Heart.
For those who work in abortion mills...take them to Your Heart.
For pharmaceutical companies that produce contraceptives and pills that induce abortions...take them to Your Heart.
For all candidates, elected and appointed officials…take them to Your Heart.
For all United Nations officials…take them to Your Heart.
For countries forced to abort unborn babies in the name of reproductive health care…take them to Your Heart.

Our Lady of Guadalupe please hear us as we weep for those sufferings, afflictions and sorrows from abortion...take them all to Your Heart.

For all Fighting the Good Fight...take them all to Your Heart.



Pray that I may persevere in my life as a father, husband, and breadwinner, in particular that I may stay employed in these troubled financial times. Pray that I may have the strength of will to do my work well, to do what is necessary to take care of my health, to be a good husband and father, to overcome my bad habits and weaknesses,and to live my life well to the end.

Theresa M


Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, for the glory of Your Holy name, I beseech Thee, lift the fog from my mind and if anythings clouds me, then let Your magnificence of Your glory surround me as it did You on the day of Your transfiguration. When I struggle to pray and/or articulate thoughts and ideas, grant me the clarity of your words as You are Divine Word Incarnate Jesus. Please protect those in need of Your protection and keep us completely invisible to all Your enemies who are also our enemies. Truly, Savior Jesus, every knee shall bow under Thy Lordship. Deliver us in Your perfect will, timing, and way to green pastures, quiet waters and restore our mind, spirit, and health. In Your mercy, grant favors regarding promotions interviews to Sam and myself. Help Your little children, including this poor pitiful sinner to see and embrace you again and when we can't, embrace us in Thy penetrating Divine Intimacy of perfect Love. Provide for every need and help us to trust in You. Increase Your faith, hope, love in You and may You grant us peace, favor, and rest in every circumstance. In Thy perfect timing, place me in a place of leadership to effect your change and strength to do so. Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, communion of saints and holy angels, protect, pray, and minister to us in leading all souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. All in Thy Holy Name, Merciful Jesus, AMEN.

Edmund Krzeminski


King James Bible Ezekiel 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."
Are you ready?
Please pray to overcome for:
0. Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,
0. Church in the USA - Matt. 3.12
1. stirring up the ministry to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our
daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15
2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,working for Edmund, Dorothy, Peter (also God's direction for his life) and Ann( Ann needs husband),
3. God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses.
Thank God for the continuation of my work.
Edmund Krzeminski

patsy J


please pray with me daily to remove banish all evil obsticals thats affacting my life and my finances and health together in prayer we can fight all evils Amen thank you

Theresa M


Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, help me to focus, rest, and grieve particularly regarding the most recent loss of my dog, Tolar. You know me well, True Lord and how much I cared for him. Dear Lord, I also ask that You grant me protection, favor regarding calls and the situation at work for everything lately seems to discourage me and I can hardly focus with school work. I also ask for another dog who will lavish me with affection and loyalty as did Tolar. Grant me health, strength, and help me to complete my responsibilities with both work and school. I realize that that this prayer to You is so very poor, but have extra mercy and be excessively gentle and kind to me. You are my greatest encourager and comforter and please give me a new supervisor and shift for I am utterly exhausted. Help Sam to stay on the right path and help my little ferret dog heal too. Blessed Mother, please pray me and and please beg Our True Lord, Thy Son for healing in my whole being, In True Lord, Jesus name, AMEN.



Getting ex boyfriend back after a breakup!!!!
My bf of 2.5 years broke up with me a month ago. We have been long distance all this time and been able to travel to see each other 6 times. He has always been loving sweet caring and overall we’ve had a wonderful relationship. Two months before the break up he was planning to finally come to live here but his Parents were giving him a hard time and he fell into depression. His dream has always been to live in America. I didn’t realize his depression until he started ignoring and I became needy and clingy and I belittle him everytime we fought. Even though I apologized later those words were always on the back of his mind. So after one of those fights he broke up with me even telling me he doesn’t love me anymore. A week before he was telling me how much he misses me and he was sweet and all so it was confusing to accept his words. I begged and pleaded miserably for 4 days after the break up . He had blocked me from social media but then he unblock and even though he was reading my messages he didn’t reply. During this 26 Days of NC he hasn’t contacted me neither have I.I am in love with this guy and he is the best guy I have ever been with.I’m still hurt and in disbelief when he said he didn’t have any romantic feelings towards me anymore that hurt me faster than a lethal syringe.i was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a site that suggested that Dr Love of ( ) can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him on his email and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my bf called me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my bf are living together happily again in America now and he proposed to me I'm so happy.. All thanks to Dr Love. If you have any problem contact Dr.Love now and i guarantee you that he will help you.Email him at: or you can also call or text him at +2348134835639 Thanks.



Your Prayer Request: Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, I thank You that You are restoring me back to health in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Lately, I feel impressed within my heart to beseech Thee for a time of rest, healing, and restoration so if it be Your Holy Will, grant me financial provisions and opening regarding going to Florida for time of healing ministry. Build me up again and increase Your faith, hope, love in me. According to Your will, help me to see evidence of Your love, confidence and Your hope in me. Bless me with another job with higher salaries, place of leadership so that I can be do more for Your Kingdom and please take care of all matters regarding school/practicum. I also impress within Your Sacred Heart and Sacred Wounds to cancel my debts and dig me out of the pit that I have dug myself into so that I may from the depths of my soul, You are Mighty to Save. Protect me from all our enemies, deliver us, and bless us to indulge in the graces of Your magnificent mercy. May morning turn into songs of praise Dear Jesus. Saints, holy angels, St. Joseph, Blessed Mother, pray with us and for and guide every step in leading me and Your beloved children out of the desert, the wilderness into green pastures and quiet waters and remember Your promises that You set a table of bounty for us in the presence of our enemies, anoint our head with oil, our cup overflows. Your goodness reigns and every knee bows down under Your Lordship, in True Lord, Jesus name, Amen.

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